About Us
The Doula Foundation wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for two women in our community that saw a need and decided to do something about it. Loa Freeman and Ginny Ross started The Doula Foundation in 2000 while they were teaching childbirth classes and prenatal yoga at a local hospital. They noticed many women coming to class with no supportive family or friends and decided they wanted to do something to help. Their vision was to support women and families in need of emotional, physical, and spiritual support before, during, and after labor/delivery.
Our Vision
To nurture a community of families whose lives and loving bonds have been enriched by the emotional care, education, and encouragement The Doula Foundation provides.
Our Mission
To be a source of emotional care, advocacy, and comfort for all mothers and their families during pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood by providing services that ease the physical and emotional challenges of childbirth, encouraging the bond between parent and child, and providing a sense of empowerment to new and soon-to-be parents.
Our Team
The Doula Foundation couldn’t continue to operate without our great staff, doulas, and board members!
Staff & Doulas
Board Members
Our Stories
View our stories to see more about the amazing work our team is doing in the community!